Notifadz is offering a new feature to publishers who monetize their audience via Web Push Notification: the “monetization health center” enables you to maximize your advertising revenue by checking that all the necessary configurations have been carried out.
What exactly is your monetization health center? 🤔
You’ve just integrated our monetization solution via Web Push Notification, Notifadz, but you’re not sure whether the configurations you’ve made are optimal for generating maximum advertising revenue? Thanks to our new feature, you can now access a one-click report that looks at the three key stages of monetization:
- Installation of the serviceworker.js and the collection script
- Update of your ads.txt
- Connection to advertiser platforms
The different monetization states🚦
At the top right-hand corner of your Notifadz account home page, a new button is available. Depending on the settings already made, it may show three different states:
- Optimal monetization: your monetization is 100% functional.
- Optimisable monetization: you can improve your monetization. This status is most often due to missing ads.txt lines.
- Monetization not active: your configuration does not allow you to monetize your audience. The collection script and/or service worker are probably missing.

Detailed view of each item 🔎
For an easier navigation, the tool is divided into several sections:
- Top section: if you have several monetized domains, you’ll be able to select the domain name for which you want to check the monetization status.
- Bottom section: you can check the status of each item in detail.
The configuration tab lets you check that the collection script and serviceworker.js have been installed correctly.
The ads.txt tab checks for missing lines in your ads.txt file and lets you copy them directly, for easy addition.
The advertiser connection tab tells you whether the platforms have accepted or rejected your domain.

Your opinion matters! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Feel free to send us your comments on this new feature, through the dedicated tab at the bottom right of the monetization health center page: clarity of information, ease of reading, etc. That’s how we can improve your experience!

Would you like to know more?
To find out more about this new feature, visit our dedicated documentation!