Marketing templates
to optimize your strategy
Explore our marketing templates, designed to stimulate and optimize your B2B strategy. These ready-to-use templates are specifically designed to meet your requirements.
And if you need any other tools, feel free to let us know via the chat at bottom right: the #PushTeam marketing will be delighted to look into it! 😁
Psst… Spoiler alert: more models to come in 2024!

Opportunity tracking dashboard
With this tracking model, track the number 1 KPI of a BtoB marketing department: opportunity generation. And optimise your marketing levers 🎯

Lead scoring template
Find out how to score your leads to identify and convert the most valuable profiles🔥

SEO checklist for writing B2B articles
A 80-point checklist to become a blog post optimization expert 😎

Marketing budget template
Discover how to structure your marketing budget using the #PushTeam marketing template💙