Marketing budget template

Make it easy to plan your marketing expenses, with our ready-to-use budget template.
Save time in tracking and adjusting your marketing investments!

Procedure: You’ll have access to a read-only Google Sheet. Simply copy the tab into another document, and the template is yours!

google sheet marketing budget template

Fill out the form to access our marketing budget template:

What to expect
from this template…

A breakdown by major type of action

This template divides the various marketing actions into broad categories, for better visualization.

Total amount provisioned at year-end

To have a guideline as the months go by.

Amount spent the previous year

Provides a reference point for assessing the current year’s expenditure.

The revised budget

Allows budget adjustments to be made during the year.

The difference between the provisioned amount and the revised amount

Provides a clear indication of changes in budget strategies.

The block of expenses actually billed

Allows you to track expenses as they are billed.

The difference between provisions and commitments

Highlights differences between forecast and actual expenditure.

A grand total

Provides a quick overview of the financial situation.

A month-by-month breakdown of all these metrics

For precise monitoring, a projection over the remaining period and monthly accounting points.