What’s hot in April: New filters in the shopping SERP

Google changes the display of shopping results in Europe to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA) recently adopted by the European Union. Specifically, Google has added new filters in the shopping SERP.

Two new filters for greater choice

Since March 6, users in the European Economic Area (EEA) have benefited from two new filters in Google Shopping SERP.

The “Products” filter

The new "Products" filter in the shopping SERP

This filter displays organic e-commerce results from various eligible sites.

The “Product sites” filter

The new "Product sites" filter in the shopping SERP

This filter presents a selection of web pages with products, sometimes in the form of a carousel.

The purpose of these changes

These new filters in the shopping SERP aim to improve the visibility of e-tailers and suppliers by presenting users with rich, relevant information. In parallel, Google will now provide information on product aggregators, which are websites that compare prices from different retailers. This will enable users to access a wider range of shopping options, from different retailers, and find the best deals for the products they’re looking for.

These changes are part of a wider EU effort to control large technology companies. The EU is concerned that large technology companies, such as Google, have become too powerful and are using their power to stifle competition. The new EU regulation aims to address these concerns and create a more competitive playing field for all companies.

Other changes to be aware of

Google has also removed some unspecified features from its shopping results. It is not known exactly which features have been removed, but it is likely that they are features deemed to be anti-competitive. These changes aim to create a fairer and more transparent digital environment for European businesses and consumers.

To sum up

Google continues to adapt to the DMA, reviewing its shopping offering in Europe to create a more open and fair environment. Users in the EEA can therefore expect further changes to their digital experiences to deliver a richer, more seamless shopping search experience.

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