And, the drive-to-store is the new marketing method you need to deploy to turn the benefits of digital into assets for your business. Add an ounce of Web Push Notifications and you’ll put the physical store back at the center of your brand’s customer experience and communication. Here is how to use Web Push Notification in a drive-to-store strategy and generate qualified traffic at the point of sale.
Drive-to-store: the lever for qualified traffic in store
The drive-to-store includes all marketing actions that drive traffic from connected users to a physical point of sale.
a) Definition of drive-to-store
Drive-to-store is a marketing concept which aims at all actions that target an Internet user with the objective of inviting him to move towards a physical point of sale.
The drive-to-store comes in at the beginning of the customer acquisition process. This concept offers the opportunity to target a qualified audience and to encourage only quality traffic to come to your store.
That’s why, in 2022, 72 % of advertisers want to increase their budget allocated to drive-to-store.
b) A lever that pays off
2.3 billion euros that’s what drive-to-store captured in 2019 in France. This concerns retailers in the mass retail sector, luxury and ready-to-wear brands. According to the Smart Retail Barometer by Samsung, 3 out of 4 consumers finalize their purchases in store, because:
- 77 % like to shop in stores;
- 87 % prefer to check the quality of a product before purchasing it.
This is why drive-to-store marketing campaigns offer unique experiences by targeting the right people who are likely to be interested in your offer.
c) Geolocalized marketing actions that build loyalty
The objective of these actions is to personalize the experience of each prospect. To meet their needs, the drive-to-store invites the Internet user to go through the store’s doors and buy the products that correspond to his or her expectations. The deployment of drive-to-store advertising formats can be carried out on several digital channels:
- Mobile display (19% worldwide);
- On-site search (16%), advertising formats integrated into the search results;
- Television (13%);
- Digital-Out-Of-Home, thanks to AI, this ad delivery on digital panels maximizes campaign coverage;
- The sending of SMS and e-mails according to a targeting of the IRIS code (geographical unit which cuts the territory);
- Digitization of catalogs;
- Social;
- Wallet
- And also via Web Push Notification
An omnichannel strategy to convert an ultra-connected consumer
The drive-to-store devices are multiplying and adapting to consumer demand.
a) A marketing strategy that targets the local market
With the emergence of new technologies and the increasing mobility of Internet users, marketing actions are striving to reach them as close as possible to their daily lives. The ultra local is the future. That’s why certain techniques are in demand, such as the :
- Local SEA;
- Store locator;
- Geofencing ;
- Etc.
The digital strategy is closely linked to that of the points of sale. Several channels are being developed and integrated into this drive-to-store logic with display, emailing, web push notifications, etc.
The omnichannel nature of on and offline strategies has become essential to boost the chances of convert a consumer.

b) ROPO behavior
The need for an omnichannel strategy for a brand is linked to ROPO (Research Online Purchase Offline). This term is deployed in marketing to designate the buying behavior of consumers who get information about products on the Internet before purchasing them in a physical store. They inform themselves through :
- Comparisons ;
- Price ;
- Customer reviews ;
- Blog posts;
- Etc.
And, even at the point of sale, they will use their smartphone to research a product they see. The boundary between physical and digital is shrinking: the customer becomes phygital.
Thus, a brand relies on the strength of the Web, but having a concrete point of sale remains essential from the point of view of reassurance of the consumer and notoriety.
Web Push Notification and Drive-To-Store
The Web Push Notification is a notification that the Internet user has accepted, therefore GDPR compliant. This system deploys a targeted marketing communication, in real time.
a) A relevant partnership for an even more targeted offer
In a logic of ever more granular targeting of its campaigns, Adrenalead has developed a partnership with the DCO technology platform of ADventori. The latter allows advertisers to improve the performance of their marketing campaigns by displaying personalized ads based on first cookie data.
The Web Push Notification inventory of the Adrenalead’s advertising network is directly queried by the ADventori platform. Thus, Internet users who meet the predefined targeting criteria for a campaign will receive a notification with a personalized content by ADventori according to :
- Geographic location of the prospect;
- Inventory status;
- Weather conditions;
- Etc.
The content of the offers will depend directly on these criteria. The Web Push can then :
- Refer to coupons;
- Or include codes that can only be used in physical stores
Thus, the local is back at the heart of the communication system, even in the context of campaigns initiated by the national level.
b) Convince Internet users to come with Web Push
Internet users who agree to receive Web Push Notifications are committed customers and are therefore qualified traffic for your business. They are receptive to your offers. If you cross-reference this information with the customer CRM, you will find different types of profiles. You can then adapt your messages and personalize them with a small discount. Coupled with Geofencing, Web Push becomes a key element in a drive-to-store strategy.
The Web Push Notification is a lever for drive-to-store, because it targets consumers in real time. It offers them a response adapted to their expectations, taking into account their behavior and their immediate environment, when coupled with a DCO solution. These notifications meet the expectations of Internet users who can stop them any time. Moreover, Web Push Notifications do not collect any personal data. On the other hand, they propose promotional offers in a store near internet users, that sells the product they searched for on the Internet. For more information, click below !