Customer acquisition: advertise using an innovative, high-performance marketing lever

Customer acquisition advertising platform using Web Push Notifications

Are your advertisers running traditional customer acquisition campaigns using programmatic display, native advertising or other brandformance-oriented formats? Why not try an innovative approach to customer acquisition by including the Web Push Notification format into your media plans?

Adrenalead Web Push Notifications in figures:


Web Push subscriber profiles


notifications sent per month


media partners

Satisfied customers:


acquisition clients wonderbox
acquisition clients citroen
acquisition clients florajet
acquisition clients ID group
acquisition clients Renault
acquisition clients Le slip français
acquisition clients Weekendesk
acquisition clients Cultura


acquisition clients adcleek
acquisition clients havas
acquisition clients re-mind
acquisition clients publicis conseil
acquisition clients publicis activ
acquisition clients LMA
acquisition clients publicis lille
acquisition clients avent media

A brand safety and GDPR-Ready format

On-screen and real time customer acquisition

Adrenalead has launched the first customer acquisition advertising platform using Web Push Notifications. Fueled by a media partner network of over 300 sites covering a wide range of topics, take advantage of the most powerful Web Push inventory, enabling your advertisers to connect with their target audiences. With messages delivered directly on-screen, your ad strategy will avoid the pitfalls of traditional marketing: a fully controlled environment where fraud is impossible.

customer acquisition collect
  1. Collecting subscribers on a partner publisher’s site
customer acquisition receive

2. Receiving Web Push Notification from the publisher’s domain name

customer acquisition redirect

3. Redirection to the advertiser’s site

Explore the possibilities of varied target marketing

Multiples audiences for granular and contextual targeting

Thanks to its comprehensive network of media partners, Adrenalead is the top provider of leading-edge Web Push Notifications in various premium audience segments. Offer your advertisers a fine-tuned communication plan by using targeting based on multiple criteria: geo-targeting, remarketing, keywords, IAB categories, targeting packs, etc.

For drive-to-store oriented customer acquisition campaigns, Adrenalead works with DCO tools to enable your advertisers to suggest highly personalized content via Web Push Notifications (e.g. promoting a specific offer, linked to the user’s geographic position, remaining stock levels or weather conditions, etc.).

customer acquisition audiences

Audiences: declarative data


customer acquisition cosmopolitan
customer acquisition Marie claire
customer acquisition magic maman
customer acquisition marie france
customer acquisition closer



Social grade A

Active young people aged 18-35

Audiences by topic



Health – Beauty



Home – Decor – Home Reno

Criteo logo

Top-flight technological partners

The 1st programmatic-connected Web Push platform

Adrenalead enables agencies to activate campaigns in just few clicks, thanks to the partnerships established with the leading advertising technology platforms such as Equativ, Outbrain, Criteo, Xandr and Nexx 360.

OTC deals, guaranteed programmatic, auction package: a wide range of settings are available. Benefit from the support and guidance of our OPS managers to facilitate the activation of this “native-like” format.