
Our goal is to offer advertisers content-optimized campaigns in the most complementary formats possible. Our partnership with Adrenalead is part of this approach and allows us to broadcast messages via an innovative on-screen format.

ADventori, the leader in DCO (Dynamic Creative Optimization) in France, enables advertisers to optimize the impact and performance of their digital campaigns by sending personalized ads in real time using different types of data.

When a brand wants to launch an advertising campaign, the Web Push Notification inventory of the Adrenalead network can be directly queried from ADventori. 

Internet users, meeting the targeting criteria defined for the campaign, will receive a Web Push Notification, which content will have been dynamically personalized by ADventori beforehand (e.g. with a specific offer linked to the geographical position of the Internet user, to a notion of stock or to weather conditions, etc.).

The complementarity of Adrenalead and ADventori offers new acquisition perspectives for brands, through an innovative format and a more refined and qualitative approach to advertising addressed to each Internet user.

When we founded Adrenalead, we wanted to offer an innovative, high-performance advertising format that would also be respectful of the Internet user. This partnership with ADventori’s technological platform allows us to go even further, by offering brands the opportunity to address the Internet user with the most relevant content possible.

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